
Person Placeholder

Patricia Smith

Romance Studies
Grammar and linguistics, pedagogy. National Endowment fellowships to investigate the Diaries of Christopher Columbus and Mexican Revolution. Language development in young children, comparative grammar of Romance Languages.
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Tony Smith

Cornelia M. Jackson Professor of Political Science Emeritus
Political Science
International and Comparative Politics
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David Smyth

Associate Professor
Algebraic Geometry
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Sarah Sobieraj

Media, Political Culture, Extreme Incivility, Digital Abuse and Harassment, Public Discourse, Social Movements
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Igor Sokolov

Mechanical Engineering
Engineering for Health -> Physics of cancer and aging -> Mechanics of biomaterials at the nanoscale, Synthesis and study of functionals nanomaterials for biomedical imaging and drug delivery, Advanced imaging for medical diagnostics, Novel processes and materials for dentistry: nano-polishing and self-healing materials
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Sam Sommers

Professor and Department Chair of Psychology
social psychology, with particular focus on the psychological causes and consequences of racism
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Diane Souvaine

Computer Science
computational geometry, design and analysis of algorithms, computational complexity
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Jeff Soyk

School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
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Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz

School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
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Sonja Spears

Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning
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Adam Spellmire

Middle English Literature Babble and Authority Quest Narratives
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Brynn Speroni

Occupational Therapy
Brain Injury, Neurological Disorders, Substance-Use Community Programming, Occupational Therapy in Post-Secondary Education, Evaluation and Treatment of Physical & Cognitive Dysfunction, Rehabilitation in Inpatient Settings, Rehabilitation Management, Fieldwork
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Enrico Spolaore

Seth Merrin Professor
Political Economy, International Economics, Economic Growth and Development
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Daryl Spurlock

Romance Studies
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Sumeeta Srinivasan

Senior Lecturer
Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning
Transportation; Health; Spatial models; Geographic Information Systems
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Cristian Staii

Associate Professor
Physics & Astronomy
Biological Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Mechanics My research interests cover a broad array of topics in biological physics, condensed matter physics and quantum mechanics. In biological physics our group is performing both experimental and theoretical work to uncover fundamental physical principles that underlie the formation of functional neuronal networks among neurons in the brain. One of the primary challenges in science today is to figure out how as many as 100 billion neurons are produced, grow, and organize themselves into the truly wonderful information-processing machine which is the brain. We combine high-resolution imaging techniques such as atomic force, traction force and fluorescence microscopy to measure mechanical properties of neurons and to correlate these properties with internal components of the cell. Our group is also using mathematical modeling based on stochastic differential equations and the theory of dynamical systems to predict axonal growth and the formation of neuronal networks. The aim of this work is twofold. On the one hand we are using tools and concepts from experimental and theoretical physics to understand biological processes. On the other hand, active biological processes in neuronal cells exhibit a wealth of fascinating phenomena such as feedback control, pattern formation, collective behavior, and non equilibrium dynamics, and thus the insights learned from studying these biological systems broaden the intellectual range of physics. I am also interested in the foundations of quantum mechanics, particularly in decoherence phenomena and in applying the theory of stochastic processes to open quantum systems. My interests in condensed matter physics include quantum transport in nanoscale systems (carbon nanotubes, graphene, polymer composites, hybrid nanostructures), as well as scanning probe microscopy investigations of novel biomaterials.
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Cathy Stanton

Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Food systems, farm history/heritage, myth and ritual, tourism, industrial heritage, culture-led redevelopment
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Sandra Stark

Professor of the Practice Emerita
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
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Philip Starks

Associate Professor
Animal Behavior: Recognition systems, evolution of sociality, parasite and host relationships, behavioral & chemical communication, invasion genetics
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Brooke Stewart

School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
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Jacob Stewart-Halevy

Associate Professor
History of Art and Architecture
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Saskia Stoessel-Deschner

Distinguished Senior Lecturer
International Literary and Cultural Studies
German language and culture teaching as a vehicle to intercultural citizenship, second language acquisition, and teacher language education.
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Robert Stolow

Professor Emeritus
Physical Organic Chemistry. Research interests include use of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in studies of the stereochemistry and conformations of organic molecules, computer applications in teaching and research, and organic synthesis. Projects have included the study of nonchair conformations of cyclohexane derivatives, the influence of electrostatic interactions among polar groups upon conformational equilibria, and conformational studies of molecules of biological interest. Much of this work required the synthesis of organic compounds with deuterium and carbon-13 at specific locations for use in the determination of NMR coupling constants and relaxation times, and are interpreted in terms of conformational equilibria. Experimental conformational energies were also compared with those calculated by use of the methods of computational chemistry. Other projects have involved the use of computers in teaching organic chemistry. The most ambitious of these projects was designed to develop an interactive computer program for teaching of organic synthesis.
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Holly Stone

Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
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Thomas Stopka

Public Health and Community Medicine
Dr. Stopka's current research focuses on the intersection of opioid use disorder, overdose, and infectious diseases (HCV, HIV, STIs, COVID-19). He employs GIS, spatial epidemiological, qualitative, biostatistical, and laboratory approaches in multi-site, interdisciplinary studies and public health interventions. He currently leads and contributes to clinical trials and observational studies funded by the NIH, CDC, and SAMHSA to assess the effectiveness of a mobile, telemedicine-based HCV treatment and harm reduction model for rural opioid users in Northern New England, to reduce opioid overdose deaths by 40% in Massachusetts, and to evaluate the overdose prevention impacts of administration of medication for opioid use disorder in houses of correction. Dr. Stopka is also Co-PI of the Tufts research priority group focused on equity in health, wealth, and civic engagement. He teaches courses in GIS and spatial epidemiology, research methods for public health, and epidemiology. He enjoys mentoring research assistants, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty in ongoing research studies and collaborative publications.
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Adam Storeygard

Development and Growth, Urban Economics
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Emily Strasser

Professor of the Practice
Creative Nonfiction, Journalism, Nuclear Weapons History, Climate Change, Anthropocene, Environment, Mental Illness, Secrecy
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Riccardo Strobino

Associate Professor
Classical Studies
Medieval Latin Philosophy; Classical Arabic Philosophy; History and Philosophy of Logic; Aristotle; Avicenna
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Mary Ellen Strom

Professor of the Practice
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
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Andy Stuhl

Science, Technology & Society
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Helen Suh

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Environmental health, environmental epidemiology, air pollution, exposure science, data analytics
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Alice Sullivan

Assistant Professor
History of Art and Architecture
Medieval art, architecture, and visual culture in Europe and the Byzantine-Slavic cultural spheres; image theory; historiography; patronage; monasticism; cross-cultural interactions
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Lauren Sullivan

Mesoamerican Archaeology, Ceramic Analysis, Rise and Fall of Complex Societies My research interests are in the social mechanisms involved in the development and demise of complex societies, concentrating on Mesoamerica. The central theme behind my research is to gain a better understanding of the processes involved in the establishment and collapse of social hierarchies and how these are expressed in the archaeological record. I examine these issues though a contextual analysis of material culture (specifically pottery) from a number of different sites. As the ceramicist for the Programme for Belize Archaeology Project in the Three Rivers Region of northwestern Belize, I am in the process of developing a regional chronology for the area which involves the analysis of ceramics recovered from a number across the region(ranging from isolated finds to large cities such as La Milpa) and dating from the Middle Preclassic (900 B.C.) to Terminal Classic (A.D. 900). I am also the Associate Director of the St. George's Caye Archaeological project where we are excavating the remains of the first capital of Belize. This project is focused on historic period occupation where we are finding some of the forefathers of Belize that were associated with the Battle of St. George's Caye in 1798 when the Baymen fought off the Spanish. A significant part of this public archaeology project involves working closely with the local community on the island to carry out research that is of importance to them and to share our findings.
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Vickie Sullivan

Cornelia M. Jackson Professor of Political Science
Political Science
Political Theory
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Jeffrey Summit

Research Professor
Music and identity, music and spiritual experience, music and advocacy, and the impact of technology on the transmission of tradition.
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Martin Suuberg

Environmental Studies
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Sigrun Svavarsdottir

Associate Professor
Moral philosophy, practical rationality, moral psychology, action theory
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Julia Svoboda

Associate Professor
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Katrina Swett

Political Science
International Relations